Entrada > Destaques > Notícias > 2020 - 2021 > Insights into accounting education in a COVID-19 world
Publicado em: 17 Agosto 2021

Insights into accounting education in a COVID-19 world

Cláudia Teixeira, Professora Adjunta do ISCAP/IPP, contribuiu com a perspectiva de Portugal no artigo ‘Insights into accounting education in a COVID-19 world’, publicado na revista Accounting Education, por Alan Sangster (University of Aberdeen), Greg Stoner (University of Glasgow) e Barbara Flood (Dublin City University).

Este trabalho foi distinguido com o Prémio ‘2021 TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award', atribuído pela American Accounting Association (AAA).  

Para mais informação consultar:  


This paper presents a compilation of personal reflections from 66 contributors on the impact of, and responses to, COVID-19 in accounting education in 45 different countries around the world. It reveals a commonality of issues, and a variability in responses, many positive outcomes, including the creation of opportunities to realign learning and teaching strategies away from the comfort of traditional formats, but many more that are negative, primarily relating to the impact on faculty and student health and well-being, and the accompanying stress. It identifies issues that need to be addressed in the recovery and redesign stages of the management of this crisis, and it sets a new research agenda for studies in accounting education.
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