Entrada > Destaques > Notícias > 2020 - 2021 > Masterclass - Nesta | The Innovation Foundation – The impact of the pandemic on the cultural and creative industries

Masterclass - Nesta | The Innovation Foundation – The impact of the pandemic on the cultural and creative industries



30 > 30.04.2021 · 19:00 > 20:00



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Master in Intercultural Studies for Business

30/04/2021 | 19h00 | Zoom


ID da reunião: 884 5189 9641
Senha de acesso: 930729 

Nesta | The Innovation Foundation - The impact of the pandemic on the cultural and creative industries

The Covid-19 research project is a year-long, UK-wide project delivered by two national research organisations, the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre and the Centre for Cultural Value. It brings together academics, researchers and industry professionals to analyse the impact of the pandemic on the cultural sector and help policy makers make informed decisions based on robust data and evidence.
The talk will give an overview of the project and will introduce the main findings from the research so far, such as the impact the pandemic and lockdowns have had on the cultural sector workforce and the implications of this in the short, medium and long term.

The speaker:
Julieta Cuneo (Policy Officer for the COVID-19 research project by the Centre for Cultural Value, the PEC and The Audience Agency)
Originally from Argentina, Julieta was part of the team tasked with setting up and communicating the narrative of the then newly created Buenos Aires´ Undersecretary of Creative Economy. Since moving to the UK, Julieta has been working on urban sustainability: she ran the APPG on Sustainable Resources; specialised in sustainability policy and, in her last role as a Sustainability Adviser for a Member of the UK Parliament, she was in charge of planning and delivering the Huddersfield Sustainable Town project. She has a BA in publishing; an MA in Journalism and an MSc in Sustainable Cities from King's College London, and is particularly interested in the role of the arts and cultural sector in helping build strong, thriving, diverse and sustainable towns and cities.




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