Entrada > Destaques > Notícias > 2020 - 2021 > Accounting for Human Rights: A New Paradigm for Researching and Teaching Accounting
Publicado em: 03 Novembro 2021

Accounting for Human Rights: A New Paradigm for Researching and Teaching Accounting

Dia 17 de Novembro 2021 (9:30 a.m. PT/UK time)

No próximo dia 17 de novembro de 2021 realizar-se-á um Webinar subordinado ao tema: Accounting for Human Rights: A New Paradigm for Researching and Teaching Accounting, inserido no ciclo "The ISCAP/IPP Accounting Webinar Series". 

O orador convidado é o Professor Ken McPhail (University of Manchester).   

Este seminário está integrado nas actividades de unidades curriculares das Licenciaturas em Contabilidade e Administração, Assessoria e Tradução,e do Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças, Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais e Mestrado em Economia Social. Este evento destina-se a estudantes, docentes e investigadores da área da contabilidade; e insere-se no âmbito da Linha de Investigação "Accountability and Reporting" desenvolvida pelo CEOS.PP.   

Caso pretenda participar, p.f., contactar Cláudia Teixeira (mclaudia@iscap.ipp.pt

Link para a sessão: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/82979370207?pwd=VHljc2R3dE9DTXVDVkY5NTVnYjNHUT09

ID: 829 7937 0207
Passcode: 795296 


Guest Speaker: 
Ken McPhail is currently Deputy Head and Director of Research at Alliance Manchester Business School.  Prior to this, Ken was Vice Dean for Social Responsibility within the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Manchester. As Vice Dean, Ken oversaw the strategic development and implementation of the Universities distinctive social responsibility agenda across 5 schools, 36 disciplines, 18,000 students and 1,800 academic and support staff. In addition, Ken also sat on the University’s Social Responsibility Governance Group, chaired by the Vice Chancellor and Principle.  
As Vice Dean for Social Responsibility, Ken was involved in delivering a new strategic relationship between the University and Greater Manchester City Council with a co-funded Economic Advisor to the new City Mayor. He was involved in the New Strategic Inclusive Growth Unit partnership with Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Prize winning “Policy @ Manchester” platform for turning research into impact. He initiated the New Ethical Grand Challenges program, and facilitated the Sustainably Challenge delivered to 5000 new students in Welcome Week 2016.  
Prior to joining the University of Manchester, Ken McPhail was the Head of School at La Trobe University Melbourne. Ken was responsible for managing a complex departmental structure with staff across five campuses and played an active role in delivering the biggest change management process in the history of the school. Ken was also the Chair of the Business School’s newly establish 2017 Committee tasked with blue-sky thinking around delivering the universities strategic vision and beyond.  
Preceding his role at La Trobe University Melbourne, Ken was the Director of Undergraduate Studies and The Scottish Centre for Professional Ethics at the University of Glasgow. His role involved the management of some major changes in undergraduate provision across Glasgow University.  
Ken’s roles have involved liaising with key professional bodies, professional service firms and other institutions, including The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland; The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Scotland; the BBC; The Scottish Science Centre, The Royal Academy of Edinburgh, The General Medical Council, the Law Society, The Association of Certified Chartered Accountants.  
Ken’s work is focused on various aspects of accounting ethics and corporate accountability.   
Ken sits on the editorial board of a number of journals, including Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; the Journal of Business Ethics Education; Sustainability, Accountability, Management, and Practice Journal and the newly established Business and Human Rights Journal. 

For more info., see: 




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