Entrada > International > Portuguese Language and Culture Course

Portuguese Language and Culture Course

Learning Portuguese is vital!

The Portuguese language has a remarkable multicultural position, being among the 10 most important languages spoken worldwide. It is a pluricontinental language (the most spoken in the southern hemisphere), currently with over 260 million speakers (3.7% of the world population), being also the official language of the nine member countries of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) and the working or official language of international organisations such as the European Union, the African Union and Mercosur.

Porto Accounting and Business School offers semester courses in Portuguese language and culture to mobility students.  The courses can now also be attended by external students who wish to acquire elementary knowledge  (A1 and/or A2) in Portuguese Language and Culture, depending upon availability of places.

The courses have the duration of one semester, with an average of 3 hours of lessons per week.

In the first semester, only level A1 is offered. In the second semester, both level A1 and level A2 are offered.

To attend A1 level, students do not require any previous knowledge of Portuguese. At A2 level, students must have attended a level A1 course or have previous formal or non-formal knowledge of Portuguese.

For further information, please contact the course director.


Duração/Duration (ano letivo/academic year 2024-2025):


Horas/ Hours
112 (48 contact hours+ 64 autonomous work)

Duration (academic year 2024-2025):
1º Winter Semester: 16th September 2024 - 11th January 2025
2º Summer Semester: 17th February 2025 - 14th June 2025 

Before the semester begins, the candidate must send an email to EduardoMata emata@iscap.ipp.pt (from the Students Office) informing of his/her interest in attending the course and indicating the level (A1 or A2). The student will then be given credentials and be enrolled in the course. 

Instructional modality
Schedule (1 class - three hours per week)
Level A1 – 1st and 2nd semester
Portuguese Language and Culture Course — ISCAP | P.PORTO
Level A2 - 2nd semester 

Level A1 – 1st semester:
Professor Sara Pascoal:
Class A - Tuesday - 10h00 -13h00
Professor Maria João Cameira:
Class B - Friday - 10h00 - 13h00 

Level A1 - 2nd semester:
Professor Carla Avelino:
Class A - Wednesday - 14h00 - 17h00
Professor Carla Avelino:
Class B - Friday - 08h30 - 11h30 

Level A2 – 2nd semester
Professor Joana Fernandes: Tuesday – 08h30 - 11h30

Semestre Fee (4 ECTS)

Program director and contact
Director: Joana Fernandes, Phd
Contact: joanaf@iscap.ipp.pt

Combined Shape
