Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > A Decorrer > DiFree - Digital Freelancing for Higher Education students and Recent Graduates

DiFree - Digital Freelancing for Higher Education students and Recent Graduates

Name of the Project: DiFree - Digital Freelancing for Higher Education students and Recent Graduates
Project Number: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032241
Project Coordinator: Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Italy)
Type of Project: Erasmus+ KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Project Lifetime: 1st of February 2022 until 1st of February 2025 

CRSLaghi srl (Italy)
Panteio Panepistimio Koinonikon Kaipolitikon Epistimon (Greece)
Universidad de Cadiz (Spain)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal) 

Aims and Objectives
DiFree projects wants to fill the gap between the academic knowledge and training offered today to HE students and the current needs of a volatile and rapidly changing job market, where flexibility and digitalization are core competencies. For this reason, DiFree Consortium has an overall objective and several specific ones.

Overall Objective:

  • provide HE students and graduates interested in the freelancing career with digital, entrepreneurial and job market-relevant knowledge, training and education. Learning by doing methodology will be applied, also cross-contaminating the activities with the involvement of companies relying on freelance work.

Specific Objectives:

  • expose HE students and graduates to the freelance career from a practical and realistic perspective
  • invite HE students and graduates to reflect on themself and self-assess their soft skills and competencies before they initiate a career
  • provide HE students and graduates with guidance and mentoring before, during, and after the choice of a freelancing career
  • offer to HE teachers training on the digital labor market and on digital entrepreneurship, subsequent needs in term of the workforce, and required competencies, so that these pieces of information can actually be channeled to a larger number of HE students
  • create innovative, easily accessible and open-source educational material regarding the project topics that will be made available to and disseminated among all interested parties
  • create a specialized Freelance Hub, virtual and physical place where the target group can find accurate and reliable information, guidance, mentoring programs, opportunities for life-long training, upskilling and reskilling. It will focus on transversal competencies and soft skills and therein students and graduates can meet, share knowledge, organize gatherings and events, invite personalities from the freelance community, etc.
  • offer to HEIs beyond the partnership and to potential freelancers not enrolled to the Partner HEIs with the same opportunities as those offered to the students of the Partner Universities, thanks to a Transferability Manual, made freely available to all those who desire to introduce digital and entrepreneurial skills in their teaching curriculum, regardless of the specific sector

Coordination of the project in ISCAP / Researchers involved
Anabela Mesquita (Coord.)
Adriana José
António Abreu
Joana Araújo
Luciana Oliveira
Olímpio Castilho
Paulino Silva 

Research Unit

Combined Shape
