Entrada > Investigação > Projetos > A Decorrer > ENDING - ICT & Early School Leaving. Developing a New Methodology to Empower Children

ENDING - ICT & Early School Leaving. Developing a New Methodology to Empower Children

Name of the Project: ENDING - ICT & Early School Leaving. Developing a New Methodology to Empower Children
Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082232
Project Coordinator: Fundación Mapfre (Spain)
Type of Project: Erasmus+ KA 201 Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project Lifetime: 1st of November 2020 until 30th of April 2023 

P2 – Ministerio del Interior (Spain)
P3 – Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Germany)
P4 – Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)
P5 – Asociación para el fomento del uso saludable de las TIC EscuelaTIC-IKTeskola Elkartea (Spain) 

Aims and Objectives
The main objectives of this project proposal are related to capacity building of school age students through an innovative methodology which will promote good and healthy use of the new technologies, identify relevant sources of information, appropriate to the age of minors and, at the same time, promote positive relationships between peers, encourage critical thinking, awareness of existing risks and at the same time promote respect for others in values such as equality, diversity and non-discrimination. This methodology, that will involve directly students, will help raise awareness and inform them about the possible negative aspects and effects of misusing social and digital media. In the digital era skills and competences related to the use of the Internet are crucial. This is especially valid for disadvantaged people who often lack basic skills and knowledge in this field and don´t have access to tools, information and guidance on how to use ICT´s in a healthy way, avoiding misuse.

Coordination of the project in ISCAP / Researchers involved
Clara Sarmento (Coord.)
Isabelle Tulekian
Luciana Oliveira
Luísa Bravo Lamas 

Research Unit
CEI – Centro de Estudos Interculturais

Combined Shape
